In 1998, The Academy of Behavioral Profiling (ABP) was created as an independent, nongovernment, and interdisciplinary professional organization. It was dedicated
to the development of investigative and forensic protocols related to evidence
based crime scene analysis, victimology, and criminal profiling. This mission stands.
The ABP’s first meeting was held in March of 1999, in Monterey, California. The
founding members included a retired FBI profiler, two forensic scientists, a forensic psychiatrist, and a Detective with The NYPD. They created and mandated written
protocols, and a written code of ethics, for the diverse professionals within the membership.
In 2009 - 2010, The ABP evolved into The International Association of Forensic
Criminologists (IAFC). This was in response to the needs of a growing international membership, where criminal profiling was but one speciality among many. The IAFC / ABP continues to be the cooperative work of forensic, behavioral, and
investigative professionals from around the world. In its time, it has drafted, adopted, and refined the first professional code of ethics for criminal profilers; the first written criminal profiling practice standards; an extensive body of published scientific
literature; and the first criminal profiling general knowledge exam.
In 2013, The IAFC passed a Professional Certification Act, to facilitate the
credentialing of its more advanced membership. To date, this has included the
certification of investigators, psychologists, and criminologists in The United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, China, South Korea, and Singapore.
In furtherance of this mission, The ABP now exists as the credentialing board within
the IAFC. Efforts to improve all related protocols are an ongoing commitment within the IAFC / ABP -- as experience, research, and legal standards demand professional upkeep and evolution.
Past Presidents of The IAFC / ABP include:
- Michael McGrath, MD (forensic psychiatrist / NY)
- Angela Torres, PhD (forensic psychologist / VA)
- Stan Crowder, PhD (forensic criminologist / GA)
The current President of The IAFC
is Paul J. Ciolino, D-ABP (forensic investigator / IL).
The International Association of Forensic Criminologists